All the information you need on how to apply, preparations before you go on your first assignment abroad and on what will happen when you return home after you've completed your assignment.
At the Swedish office, we only recruit people who live in Sweden or Finland. If you do not live in Sweden or Finland, you should contact the office of MSF in the country where you live. Contact details can be found on our international website.
Get to know us
Before applying, find out as much as possible about humanitarian work and the organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). We think it is important that you as seconded personnel know which organization you are applying to and that you know its principles and values.
We also want you to read all the necessary information during Life on assignment, the general requirements and which requirements apply to your professional profile. Every year we have four to six information evenings, both online and on site in Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg, where you can meet expats and recruiters. Read more about and register for a MSF information evening here.
Redo att ansöka?
Om du har läst och tagit ställning till all information här på hemsidan om vad som krävs för att arbeta för Läkare Utan Gränser är du redo att ansöka.