Specialists in mental health such as psychologists and psychiatrists are needed in locations where the population have suffered traumatic events such as armed conflict, torture, violence, abuse or natural disasters.
The need is also big in societies where many people live with hiv and aids or tuberculosis and need various forms of support and care during their treatment.
In our projects we establish teams who support self-care for improved mental health. We provide psychosocial support and treatment both as a part of emergency interventions, such as natural disasters, and as an integrated part of programmes in stable settings.
Mental health specialist role description
As a mental health specialist, you coordinate and train locally hired psychologists and mental health staff who are running the activities. In some cases, you will deliver conversational therapy together with an interpreter or independently if you master the local language. Your duties may include assessing and evaluating the general need for mental health support within the target population, as well as planning and implementing the same. Developing educational information in order to inform the population of mental health related topics, to help decrease stigma, may also be part of your role.
Role requirements
In addition to the basic requirements to work for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), you need:
- Psychologist degree or proof of specialisation in psychiatry
- Completed PTP or AT
- At least two years of professional experience working with children/youth, giving therapy and/or refugees/newly arrived in the country.
Desirable qualifications
- French speaking
- Knowledge of Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and/or Russian
- Experience or studies in hiv, tuberculosis, sexual violence, trauma or substance abuse.
- Experience of people management and/or activity management
- Experience of delivering training and/or coaching others
- Previous humanitarian work experience
Your safety and security
We take safety and security seriously. This video explains the risks our staff face and the lengths we go to keep them safe.
Please watch this before you decide whether or not to apply for this job.
Ready to apply?
Working for MSF is a commitment, rather than just an adventure or a job opportunity. Make sure you have read and understood the information on Life on assignment.
We can only accept applications from Swedish and Finnish residents (Swedish/Finnish citizens and those eligible to work in Sweden or Finland).